Optimize your Business

Boost team productivity and predictability with flexible project management frameworks


Tier 1



5 internal users

50 GB storage

CheckUnlimited workspaces

CheckUnlimited teams

CheckUnlimited external users via public boards

CheckScrum, kanban, Scrumban, SAFe, LeSS, and DAD processes

CheckCustom logo

CheckCustomizable dashboard

CheckUser story mapping

CheckCustom task boards

CheckTime tracking

CheckImport from Excel and CSV

CheckCustom fields

CheckUser reports

CheckJira, Harvest, Flowdock, Trello, Dropbox, and HipChat integrations

CheckRelease planning

Tier 2



20 internal users

150 GB storage

CheckUnlimited workspaces

CheckUnlimited teams

CheckUnlimited external users via public boards

CheckScrum, kanban, Scrumban, SAFe, LeSS, and DAD processes

CheckCustom logo

CheckCustomizable dashboard

CheckUser story mapping

CheckCustom task boards

CheckTime tracking

CheckImport from Excel and CSV

CheckCustom fields

CheckUser reports

CheckJira, Harvest, Flowdock, Trello, Dropbox, and HipChat integrations

CheckRelease planning

Tier 3



100 internal users

250 GB storage

CheckUnlimited workspaces

CheckUnlimited teams

CheckUnlimited external users via public boards

CheckScrum, kanban, Scrumban, SAFe, LeSS, and DAD processes

CheckCustom logo

CheckCustomizable dashboard

CheckUser story mapping

CheckCustom task boards

CheckTime tracking

CheckImport from Excel and CSV

CheckCustom fields

CheckUser reports

CheckJira, Harvest, Flowdock, Trello, Dropbox, and HipChat integrations

CheckRelease planning


ScrumDo is a product and project management solution that optimizes your workflows to keep teams productive and responsive.
  • Manage projects using flexible frameworks, break down and visualize goals, and track progress across teams
  • Take advantage of idea maps, file sharing, and threaded chat for frictionless collaboration that stays in context
  • Best for Marketing agencies, Product designers, Project managers
  • Alternative to ClickUp, Jira, Monday.com


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