LoopCV helps you get 3x more interviews using automation

Upload your CV, select your job search preferences and LoopCV will mass apply on your behalf

Auto apply to jobs

LoopCV collects new job postings every day, searching for jobs in your desired locations and automatically applies on your behalf. If you don't want to apply automatically you can check all the matched jobs manually and apply with one click!

Auto email to Recruiters

We automatically find the email of the recruiter in a company sending a personalised email. You can select an email template from our predefined set or create your own from scratch. LoopCV will use this email to contact companies trying to hire people like you!

Measure and improve

LoopCV collects statistics such as how many companies opened your email, how many companies replied and which of you CVs got more attention. You can A/B test different CVs, try different keywords and use LoopCV as a tool to optimise your job search

Lifetime access to LoopCV

Send personalized emails
Auto apply to new jobs
30+ integrated platforms
Automated email finder
Discover company emails
Find popular email templates
Multiple parallel job searches
Select any location worldwide
Filtering based on keywords
Exclude companies
Data driven CV
Job search feedback
Job search daily metrics
API available
All future updates included
30-day Money Back Guarantee


LoopCV collects new job postings every day, searching for jobs in your desired locations and automatically applies on your behalf.
  • The first platform that auto replies to jobs on your behalf.
  • Apply with one click to every job.
  • Send fully personalized emails to companies every day.
  • Optimize your job search with statistics and feedback.


LoopCV does a superb job of finding and getting relevant jobs in the area you have specified.


Would love to see the renumeration figures (where present/available/listed by the job advertisements)


All great deals must come to an end. There’s still time to grab these incredible tools before they leave the store!