Block Fraud. Save Money.

Protect your ad campaigns from click fraud and improve your ad performance in just a few minutes.

How it Works

Easily place our fraud detection pixel on your website
Connect your Google Ads account with one click
We analyze your web traffic for fraud block fraud
We prevent ads from displaying on fraudulent sources
Tier 1



4,000 total ad clicks per month (across all domains)

1 domains

Tier 2



10,000 total ad clicks per month (across all domains)

3 domains

Tier 3



25,000 total ad clicks per month (across all domains)

Unlimited domains

Unlimited sub accounts

Tier 4



75,000 total ad clicks per month (across all domains)

Unlimited domains

Unlimited sub accounts

Tier 5



200,000 total ad clicks per month (across all domains)

Unlimited domains

Unlimited sub accounts


FraudBlocker is a powerful tool that helps you prevent bots, accidental clicks, and other fraud from tanking your Google Ads.
  • Prevent fraudulent clicks from bots, competitors, and click farms from draining your ad spend on Google Ads
  • Calculate your Fraud Score to identify and automatically block fraudulent IP addresses
  • Best for Marketers, Marketing agencies, SaaS
  • Alternative to ClickCease, ClickGuard


All great deals must come to an end. There’s still time to grab these incredible tools before they leave the store!